You are your only competition

Every one of us… is a unique mixture of experience & knowledge… and we lessen the importance of what we offer – not only to a potential Employer… but to our profession… when we allow ourselves to become an “applicant.” If you are going to be what you believe you can be, the thought process must be first turned INTERNAL.
I have a great honor every day to be able to speak with some truly outstanding men & women representing the Investigative, Security, Surveillance, Risk Management, and Loss Prevention industry. The #1 response to my question of “What do you think is keeping you from finding the job you want?” is the same. Can you guess what that answer is?
If you have found yourself looking for a job or looking to advance in your career then you already know the answer: Speaking to a decision maker.
With all of the technological advancements since posting job openings in newspapers “help wanted” section – for us, it was the Chicago Tribune – it to actually getting to speak with someone “in charge.” With technological improvements, this has only gotten more difficult.
What you need to realize Mr. or Ms. Job Seeker, the easier it is to “send” your resume, the more resumes an organization received. Yours becomes just another message in the inbox.
Differentiate the approach.

Seeing the truth, between the lies

When we speak of good vs bad or right vs wrong, our current society seems to be at odds with ourselves. But investigating for truth further, that’s only how it appears. But the often silent majority remains silent… or relegated to whispers, veiled social media comments, hidden Pinterest and Instagram “stances.” Those that speak up are seen as radicals or are categorized as being from one side or the other, successfully relegating them to the sidelines of truth.

Our allowances for what is and what is not acceptable continues to slide… on a wide array of important topics. Our shift to the belief that “someone else will take care of it” or “I don’t want to get involved” will be to our detriment, not only personally, but as a Country and as a society.

We fail to teach our children right from wrong at home and instead, rely on schools, Colleges and “institutions of higher learning” (or YouTube or the internet) to moldable young minds with dividing ideologies and contrarian beliefs. We fail as parents fail when we don’t teach the core American values at home. We fail as citizens when we fail to address these issues head-on. We are afraid to have conversations with our youth because of what reason? We are afraid to make our opinions heard through a calm and well-researched discourse. Nothing should be withheld from honest debate and discussion. I fear that we will soon be at war with ourselves. But I also believe that was the goal.

Our saturation and accepted belief in the manipulation pushed on us has caused and is causing us to conform, allow, accept and look the other way. Sensationalism is winning. More sheep are added to the flock daily. At some point, as history has shown, we will need to stand up and fight. But will we be ready? Over time, we will be left a defenseless, disgruntled and numb minority.

We have already become infected with erroneous ideas & old ideologies. If it continues, we as a society can not turn back. It will be a slow and continual progression leading to what just yesterday was unfathomable.

You take an idea someone holds and if you don’t cloak it under the robe of religion you commit them to a psychiatric institution. But if they successfully convince you it’s under a “religious” belief, suddenly they get a free pass. It’s grotesque.

Our own archaic laws are being used against us and not just from the religious standpoint. The laws grow in number to “protect us” and what they are accomplishing are to further divide us. Its done for no other reason but to get people into the system. A system based on financial targets, not on making a greater society as it was envisioned.

We have set it up so our actions and reactions are slow when they need to be swift. We base our beliefs in the court of popular opinion, yet the opinion is presented as fact and we polarize or ignore because it doesn’t affect us… right now. Even our beliefs are being tracked, bought and sold by social media companies. While we still have the chance, we need to take a stand.

We have become so litigious that we can’t do what is right for fear of the cost of litigation or the potential negative press in the media. We argue points concerning ourselves with the smallest of majorities and fail to do what is in the best interest of our Country. It is a Cancer that is killing us slowly.

We have to look at a long-term view, take for instance religion. Societies take a long, long time to change, without of course an invasion.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: “Islam is Islam.”

The most intellectual within this debate admit that there is no separate doctrine. There is a false narrative today that makes us believe that there is what is referred to as “Cafeteria Islam,” where someone can pick and choose what part someone adheres to. This justification masks the reality of the situation and is used to hide in plain sight.

The Taliban said the “United States has all the clocks and watches in the world, but we have all the time in the world.”

Do we have the data and information after Fourteen Hundred years to suggest we can try to bet what will happen to society? It’s time to have an open and honest conversation about what we want to be Fourteen Hundred years from today. Let’s start with a handful of issues and address them.


You are Free to Choose

It does not matter the industry you represent, choices… and yes NOT MAKING A CHOICE is still considered A CHOICE… has consequences. You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices. I am not speaking to the people who make poor choices, they either figure it out for themselves or they don’t. I am instead speaking to the people who make the choice of “staying out of it.” Yes, this choice also has consequences, both long & short term.

These people justify their decision by saying it’s “not their problem,” it doesn’t affect them, they don’t “feel” like getting involved & then almost without hesitation they play armchair quarterback voicing their opinions on the situation, on how poorly OTHER PEOPLE handled something, or exert that THEY would have handled it differently… somehow “better.”

“I would have done it another way.”

If the people who are no better than media talking heads & the people who are constantly making the “wrong” choices in their lives (against the law, not simply mistakes) continue to be the predominant ones we allow to represent & influence our society we will eventually see this becoming the NORM.

If you doubt the path we as a society are on, talk to someone who has made decisions to step into the fray. Someone who has done & not just SAID. Someone who speaks up when others are quiet. There you will find answers.

Your life is your business

Our society has become overly-reliant on outside opinions to judge right from wrong. We look externally for approval, validation & acceptance & somehow subconsciously, believe that if we get what we believe is positive feedback; people will like us, respect us & most disturbingly, are actually telling us the truth & acting in our best interests.

It is often later we realize our failure in fully considering the potential ulterior motives of these people we have placed our trust & it’s costly.

The great thing about what I do is my ability to have candid, straightforward conversations with my clients. If I believe someone is blowing smoke proverbial up my ass – or their own – I can address it right then & there. The goal is career advancement. My focus is being a Career Agent, not making friends. While it is the hope of every interaction to build a long-term mutually beneficial professional respect, friendship is just a side effect.

My relationships are intentionally two-sided… often three-sided. The people who retain us (individually or on behalf of their company) understand the value of an unbiased third party with no financial interest.

Running your own life is not about the opinions or beliefs of another. Your career… is not a popularity contest.

In the Mirror is your Competition

We need to worry less about what we THINK is the competition and realize that the ONLY competition is the person looking back at you when you are looking in the mirror. Stop judging yourself on someone else’s accomplishments, financial success or career position.

Internalize and analyze what will need to be done to get you to YOUR ideal place. Take the time to develop yourself and take setbacks as a learning experience and NOT a failure.

Every step, every day, should be in the direction of where you begin to see the fact that there is NO COMPETITION except yourself.

You can do it. Never give up, never give in.

Make America Think Again

We worry too much about what other people think and consider the thoughts & opinions of others over our own. That’s the 1st mistake. Make America think again. Trust yourself. The “popular opinion,” is just the one side that is getting more “airtime.” That dialogue does not REALLY mean it’s the CORRECT opinion, it’s just AN opinion… usually it’s a paid opinion. Speak up, speak out… don’t let anyone tell YOU what YOU believe.

Here is the second part… don’t be ignorant. Ignorant to believe that YOUR opinion MUST be the ONLY answer, solution or possible outcome in a particular situation. We have become a country of cry-babies, screaming, complaining & reciting the narrative like it was gospel. All the talking heads do is polarize us & make people argue about the least important facts, while they pillage & plunder.

Go research it. 

The proof is right there for anyone willing to educate themselves before making their argument. Our job isn’t to work, pay taxes, eat poisons processed foods from a sack & watch Netflix. Our job it to make the best society for ourselves, our loved ones & the future generations that will inherit the country, & the world.

We need to once again become a society of master debaters. We need to argue merits intelligently based on fact, not opinion.   

What is the value of a moment

For those of us who don’t believe in the term “weekend,” I offer you these words of wisdom on the value of a moment from none other than the world famous Dr. Seuss.

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”

If you want to improve, expand, learn, grow, achieve and succeed – the traditional Saturday & Sunday time away from the way your making money now… offer you the time to grab the proverbial bull by the horns and make it happen.

Start every day with a short list of the most important things you can do that will have the largest impact on your future… before it becomes a memory.

Expect more from yourself & less from others

We live in a society where the culture of “norm” is to expect others to do things for us. Our systems are currently based on it. While we should be helping others, FIRST & FOREMOST we need to help people right here become capable of self-sufficiency.

“We have become weak. We have become soft. We blame everyone and everything when the problem isn’t external… it’s within.”

This has been an issue since humans first started writing words. We are separated by color, race, culture, religion & like fools, we do it to ourselves and allow others to push its continuation.

Like everything else, there is a cause & a cure. Follow the evidence & question “truths”… we can do more & be more.

We are capable of so much more. Listen to Nas & Damian Marley’s song PATIENCE:

  • Some of the smartest dummies
  • Can’t read the language of Egyptian mummies
  • An’ a fly go a moon – And can’t find food for the starving tummies
  • Pay no mind to the youths
  • Cause it’s not like the future depends on it
  • The average man can’t prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of and still won’t research and find out the root of the truth that you seek of
  • Anything along the land we consuming
  • Eatin’, deletin’, ruin
  • Trying to get paper
  • Gotta have land, gotta have acres

The point is to understand

Our Education systems are failing our kids America & the results are staggering. The struggle for most isn’t being “accepted,” showing up for class on-time, comprehending materials, passing exams or completing the course work – it’s paying back the LOANS. 

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

– Albert Einstein

Loans by the way – that can not be removed by filing bankruptcy. Loans that average jobs don’t pay enough to leave you with much else but a crappy car & basic housing. Loans that are REQUIRED to obtain a degree… a degree that most people are not using, because of classes that inadequately prepared them for LIFE after “higher-education.”

Most students are actually forced to take credit hours, expensive credit hours… to fulfill a graduation requirement, that for all intents and purposes… are worthless. Then to celebrate this accomplishment, we offer graduates low paying positions, lack of upward mobility, frustration, a debt that they can’t possibly repay because the jobs that were “promised” in the advertising are nowhere to be found & a very expensive – impressive looking document.

To add insult to injury, employers REQUIRE a degree… for no other reason but to check off the box. I know for a fact that most employers DON’T EVEN CONFIRM degrees were really obtained. Have we lost our minds?

We are born with three things

We start out and the world is full of wonder & amazement. Overtime our hearts & souls become weighed down by things that make the adventure… well, less than exciting.It is said that we are born with 3 things; a mind, a body, and a lifetime. How you use the first two, determines the third.

It reminds me of an old Nike Ad….

Too often we are scared.

Scared of what we might not be able to do.

Scared of what people might think if we tried.

We let our fears stand in the way of our hopes.

We say no when we want to say yes.

We sit quietly when we want to scream.

And we shout with the others, when we should keep our mouths shut.


Don’t give up on seeing the world thought the eyes of your inner child. It doesn’t mean to act childish, it simply reminds us to cherish our mind and all the wisdom & wonder it contains, to treat our bodies as a temple & fill it with healthy nourishment (physically & mentally) and to use both of these amazing gifts to chase  amazement & enjoy the life we were given.

Dress how you want to be addressed

Causal Friday has turned into quite a beast. I get it, Mark over at Facebook dresses in a hoodie & t-shirt, now Joe in marketing looks like he’s unemployed. Sound familiar? How you dress is important.

Maybe I was brought up differently (or on another planet… planet business), but when are we going to take pride in our appearance again? No, not YOU dear reader grumbling that YOU look really good… if you try… this ISN’T directed at you.

This wardrobe pandemic is EXACTLY why companies make people dress in stupid uniforms. Think low waged worker who will soon be replaced by robot automation. I don’t really need you to take my order (I don’t eat that processed crap), but I CAN push a button & wait for the warmed up partial meat product to slide down the shoot into a sack without YOU. 

For the rest of you, making a wage that you’re not embarrassed by… clean yourself up. Show that YOU CARE. Purge that closet of all the outdated crap & go out and get yourself an UPGRADE.

“Dress how you want to be addressed”

That’s right, slacks & button down collared shirts for you gentlemen & work appropriate clothes from somewhere other than Forever 21 for the ladies. Guys, I can’t say it enough…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Don’t be trendy. Invest in two pairs dress shoes (black & brown) at Johnston & Murphy. You’ll thank me.

Do what’s right, not what’s easy

We expect a lot from people in our daily lives, including our co-workers, managers & our team leaders. My father once said “Son, when you point a finger at someone & make accusations, you have three fingers pointing back at yourself.” After powering down for another night, I started thinking about all the “fingers” being pointed. (HEY, NOT THAT FINGER!)

We have come to expect things from the Men & Women of Law Enforcement & Military, the first among them is to Protect & Serve. Recently there was a deplorable situation in Florida concerning a school shooting & the actions (or lack of actions) from members of Law Enforcement. This has spun like a Hurricane (South Florida reference added for effect).

While there is no question that this is a tragedy, we as a SOCIETY need to address the REAL ISSUES hiding under the surface. We need to investigate for ourselves and NOT continue to digest what’s being put forth by media as relevant or truthful. We need to see polarizing by organizations for WHAT IT IS. The inaction of this individual (even the larger mishandling of a difficult situation), was the exception, not the norm for the Men & Women who have dedicated their lives to protect the members of our society from ALL THREATS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC.

Expect more from everyone, including yourself

We as a society need to expect more, not just from ourselves but the people we call on to lead us, and especially the ones ELECT to be the leaders we follow. The problem today is we accept cronyism, help cover up ignorance, and repress intelligence… then put people in leadership positions & expect them to do anything of value.

“To be more, we must expect more. To expect more, we need to lead by example in our actions, our mannerisms & our deeds.”

I would like to know your story and would love to share mine. Employers are looking for leaders right now, my job is to introduce them to you. To often we are afraid to speak up or be seen as being “against the grain.” Let me be your voice. With an introduction from me, you can feel comfortable in being yourself and the person you are meeting with are as they appear. In our world, your opinions and experience matter. 

If you are not in the position if leadership you believe you can be or if you are in a leadership position and would like to help others learn from your experience, let’s schedule a time to talk. Here is my personal schedule. Take a look at yours and let’s spend some time.

You must do something you’ve never done

It’s scary. I don’t care if you are a Veteran of the Armed Forces, a seasoned Executive or it’s your first big project after starting at a new company. Doing new things, especially when a lot is riding on a successful outcome, is nothing to shrug off.

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.”

Many of us have a similar voice inside, that tells us that we are not ready, we are not capable, that we are going to fail or we are going to look like a fool. Familiar?

“There is no way I will be able to do this” the voice says. You need to realize right now… that that voice is the “safe place” talking. The problem is, nothing AMAZING was ever achieved listening to that voice…especially as an adult.

Ever since you were born that voice, along with your parents, have protected you from doing something stupid – like sticking a key in the wall plug, jumping over a railing or eating whatever that was on the ground.  Yuck!

Now that we are grown that voice pops up now and again, especially if we have fallen into a routine. Some among us have learned to turn it down, turn it off or put it to work in a different way. 

How do you use yours? The better question might be, how do you control yours?

I would like to know your journey. I would like to know what it is you want… maybe I can help you achieve it.