Make America Think Again

We worry too much about what other people think and consider the thoughts & opinions of others over our own. That’s the 1st mistake. Make America think again. Trust yourself. The “popular opinion,” is just the one side that is getting more “airtime.” That dialogue does not REALLY mean it’s the CORRECT opinion, it’s just AN opinion… usually it’s a paid opinion. Speak up, speak out… don’t let anyone tell YOU what YOU believe.

Here is the second part… don’t be ignorant. Ignorant to believe that YOUR opinion MUST be the ONLY answer, solution or possible outcome in a particular situation. We have become a country of cry-babies, screaming, complaining & reciting the narrative like it was gospel. All the talking heads do is polarize us & make people argue about the least important facts, while they pillage & plunder.

Go research it. 

The proof is right there for anyone willing to educate themselves before making their argument. Our job isn’t to work, pay taxes, eat poisons processed foods from a sack & watch Netflix. Our job it to make the best society for ourselves, our loved ones & the future generations that will inherit the country, & the world.

We need to once again become a society of master debaters. We need to argue merits intelligently based on fact, not opinion.