Denying Truth doesn’t change Facts

We speak a lot about truth. We expect truth from others. We trust (hope) that people we deal with are being truthful. We ask questions to validate truth. We use contracts to lock truthful verbal agreements in writing. We use terms that express the truthfulness of our intent. We teach the importance of being truthful to our children. Denying Truth doesn’t change Facts.

But there is a something wrong with the vagueness of truth. We hear the context so much, and expect it so often, that when someone tells us truth is there – or when we make the assumption that truth should be expected – sometimes the concept of truth is being used deceivingly, skewed, or intentionally used to misdirect, confuse or out right misrepresent FACTS.

Here is my point, we all got into the Investigation, Security, Risk Management, Surveillance, Loss Prevention & Cyber Intelligence profession because of our personal BELIEF in TRUTH & JUSTICE. Many of the professionals with our sector started their careers in Law Enforcement, with Military Service or in the Governmental sector.

Our careers revolve around getting to the truth, not using or allowing the vagueness of truth to form opinions. We are instead using, hunting for, searching out, uncovering, validating, & verifying… FACTS.

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