The point is to understand

Our Education systems are failing our kids America & the results are staggering. The struggle for most isn’t being “accepted,” showing up for class on-time, comprehending materials, passing exams or completing the course work – it’s paying back the LOANS. 

Any fool can know. The point is to understand.

– Albert Einstein

Loans by the way – that can not be removed by filing bankruptcy. Loans that average jobs don’t pay enough to leave you with much else but a crappy car & basic housing. Loans that are REQUIRED to obtain a degree… a degree that most people are not using, because of classes that inadequately prepared them for LIFE after “higher-education.”

Most students are actually forced to take credit hours, expensive credit hours… to fulfill a graduation requirement, that for all intents and purposes… are worthless. Then to celebrate this accomplishment, we offer graduates low paying positions, lack of upward mobility, frustration, a debt that they can’t possibly repay because the jobs that were “promised” in the advertising are nowhere to be found & a very expensive – impressive looking document.

To add insult to injury, employers REQUIRE a degree… for no other reason but to check off the box. I know for a fact that most employers DON’T EVEN CONFIRM degrees were really obtained. Have we lost our minds?