Your life is your business

Our society has become overly-reliant on outside opinions to judge right from wrong. We look externally for approval, validation & acceptance & somehow subconsciously, believe that if we get what we believe is positive feedback; people will like us, respect us & most disturbingly, are actually telling us the truth & acting in our best interests.

It is often later we realize our failure in fully considering the potential ulterior motives of these people we have placed our trust & it’s costly.

The great thing about what I do is my ability to have candid, straightforward conversations with my clients. If I believe someone is blowing smoke proverbial up my ass – or their own – I can address it right then & there. The goal is career advancement. My focus is being a Career Agent, not making friends. While it is the hope of every interaction to build a long-term mutually beneficial professional respect, friendship is just a side effect.

My relationships are intentionally two-sided… often three-sided. The people who retain us (individually or on behalf of their company) understand the value of an unbiased third party with no financial interest.

Running your own life is not about the opinions or beliefs of another. Your career… is not a popularity contest.