You are Free to Choose

It does not matter the industry you represent, choices… and yes NOT MAKING A CHOICE is still considered A CHOICE… has consequences. You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices. I am not speaking to the people who make poor choices, they either figure it out for themselves or they don’t. I am instead speaking to the people who make the choice of “staying out of it.” Yes, this choice also has consequences, both long & short term.

These people justify their decision by saying it’s “not their problem,” it doesn’t affect them, they don’t “feel” like getting involved & then almost without hesitation they play armchair quarterback voicing their opinions on the situation, on how poorly OTHER PEOPLE handled something, or exert that THEY would have handled it differently… somehow “better.”

“I would have done it another way.”

If the people who are no better than media talking heads & the people who are constantly making the “wrong” choices in their lives (against the law, not simply mistakes) continue to be the predominant ones we allow to represent & influence our society we will eventually see this becoming the NORM.

If you doubt the path we as a society are on, talk to someone who has made decisions to step into the fray. Someone who has done & not just SAID. Someone who speaks up when others are quiet. There you will find answers.