Holding Doors

You know what isn’t being taught? Loyalty, respect & morality. I would have hoped this was being taught a home, but obviously not to the extent it once was… as evident in daily interactions. Holding Doors is the gateway drug.

I went to hold the door for a woman this morning as I was about ten paces ahead. See I was taught that a man (of any age) holds the door for a lady (also of any age). If we didn’t hold that door…there was hell to pay. Sound familiar?

I opened the door & held it open until she arrived. I turned my eyes to meet hers… and she didn’t even acknowledge my existence & kept walking eyes straight ahead. Huh. Nice.

I just couldn’t help myself, “your welcome,” I said. “Anytime,” I said a moment later as she had passed the point where any indication of acknowledgment was now possible. The words just rolled off my tongue. Not the words I was thinking mind you, just the most respectful I could think of so I didn’t slip into her category.

We hope the next generations learn by the good examples being observed, but sadly this is something that’s being overlooked or undervalued.

We, yes I am speaking directly to you dear reader, need to start MAKING SURE we are addressing, acknowledging & teaching this FUNDAMENTAL quality.

If not, we will have no one to blame but ourselves.