Muddy Water Seems Deeper

There is no “special sauce.” Sorry to ruin your weekend. There is only what someone WANT’S you to see & know, and there is what they DON’T. Muddy water seems deeper. It’s not that hard folks. It is this way in Government & Corporations… especially for them… for a reason. All the policies, rules, regulations, laws, bureaucracies & procedures contained in everything today, make the water muddy. Muddy make it hard to see & understand. That’s the idea.

For anyone with cojones, pull back the the wizard’s curtain in OZ, wonder how this game kept going for sooo long.

The people that are pulling the strings… keep you dancing, keep you guessing, keep you wondering, keep you arguing & keep you confused, shouldn’t have the power they do. It is no wonder that so many people keep doing the same things, getting down to the real truth & exposing it… is difficult. What we need to do… no, what people out there need to do is to question… everything.

Document, expose, listen, learn, talk, & do what’s right. It’s time we start expecting more from ourselves, our neighbors, our managers, our team members, our suppliers, our vendors, our partners, our media, our corporations, our reporters, our news outlets, our police, our kids, our students, our teachers, our parents, & our governments.