EyeRecruit Christopher R Bauer

Seeing the truth, between the lies

When we speak of good vs bad or right vs wrong, our current society seems to be at odds with ourselves. But investigating for truth further, that’s only how it appears. But the often silent majority remains silent… or relegated to whispers, veiled social media comments, hidden Pinterest and Instagram “stances.” Those that speak up are seen as radicals or are categorized as being from one side or the other, successfully relegating them to the sidelines of truth.

Our allowances for what is and what is not acceptable continues to slide… on a wide array of important topics. Our shift to the belief that “someone else will take care of it” or “I don’t want to get involved” will be to our detriment, not only personally, but as a Country and as a society.

We fail to teach our children right from wrong at home and instead, rely on schools, Colleges and “institutions of higher learning” (or YouTube or the internet) to moldable young minds with dividing ideologies and contrarian beliefs. We fail as parents fail when we don’t teach the core American values at home. We fail as citizens when we fail to address these issues head-on. We are afraid to have conversations with our youth because of what reason? We are afraid to make our opinions heard through a calm and well-researched discourse. Nothing should be withheld from honest debate and discussion. I fear that we will soon be at war with ourselves. But I also believe that was the goal.

Our saturation and accepted belief in the manipulation pushed on us has caused and is causing us to conform, allow, accept and look the other way. Sensationalism is winning. More sheep are added to the flock daily. At some point, as history has shown, we will need to stand up and fight. But will we be ready? Over time, we will be left a defenseless, disgruntled and numb minority.

We have already become infected with erroneous ideas & old ideologies. If it continues, we as a society can not turn back. It will be a slow and continual progression leading to what just yesterday was unfathomable.

You take an idea someone holds and if you don’t cloak it under the robe of religion you commit them to a psychiatric institution. But if they successfully convince you it’s under a “religious” belief, suddenly they get a free pass. It’s grotesque.

Our own archaic laws are being used against us and not just from the religious standpoint. The laws grow in number to “protect us” and what they are accomplishing are to further divide us. Its done for no other reason but to get people into the system. A system based on financial targets, not on making a greater society as it was envisioned.

We have set it up so our actions and reactions are slow when they need to be swift. We base our beliefs in the court of popular opinion, yet the opinion is presented as fact and we polarize or ignore because it doesn’t affect us… right now. Even our beliefs are being tracked, bought and sold by social media companies. While we still have the chance, we need to take a stand.

We have become so litigious that we can’t do what is right for fear of the cost of litigation or the potential negative press in the media. We argue points concerning ourselves with the smallest of majorities and fail to do what is in the best interest of our Country. It is a Cancer that is killing us slowly.

We have to look at a long-term view, take for instance religion. Societies take a long, long time to change, without of course an invasion.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: “Islam is Islam.”

The most intellectual within this debate admit that there is no separate doctrine. There is a false narrative today that makes us believe that there is what is referred to as “Cafeteria Islam,” where someone can pick and choose what part someone adheres to. This justification masks the reality of the situation and is used to hide in plain sight.

The Taliban said the “United States has all the clocks and watches in the world, but we have all the time in the world.”

Do we have the data and information after Fourteen Hundred years to suggest we can try to bet what will happen to society? It’s time to have an open and honest conversation about what we want to be Fourteen Hundred years from today. Let’s start with a handful of issues and address them.