You are your only competition

Every one of us… is a unique mixture of experience & knowledge… and we lessen the importance of what we offer – not only to a potential Employer… but to our profession… when we allow ourselves to become an “applicant.” If you are going to be what you believe you can be, the thought process must be first turned INTERNAL.
I have a great honor every day to be able to speak with some truly outstanding men & women representing the Investigative, Security, Surveillance, Risk Management, and Loss Prevention industry. The #1 response to my question of “What do you think is keeping you from finding the job you want?” is the same. Can you guess what that answer is?
If you have found yourself looking for a job or looking to advance in your career then you already know the answer: Speaking to a decision maker.
With all of the technological advancements since posting job openings in newspapers “help wanted” section – for us, it was the Chicago Tribune – it to actually getting to speak with someone “in charge.” With technological improvements, this has only gotten more difficult.
What you need to realize Mr. or Ms. Job Seeker, the easier it is to “send” your resume, the more resumes an organization received. Yours becomes just another message in the inbox.
Differentiate the approach.