Expect more from everyone, including yourself

We as a society need to expect more, not just from ourselves but the people we call on to lead us, and especially the ones ELECT to be the leaders we follow. The problem today is we accept cronyism, help cover up ignorance, and repress intelligence… then put people in leadership positions & expect them to do anything of value.

“To be more, we must expect more. To expect more, we need to lead by example in our actions, our mannerisms & our deeds.”

I would like to know your story and would love to share mine. Employers are looking for leaders right now, my job is to introduce them to you. To often we are afraid to speak up or be seen as being “against the grain.” Let me be your voice. With an introduction from me, you can feel comfortable in being yourself and the person you are meeting with are as they appear. In our world, your opinions and experience matter. 

If you are not in the position if leadership you believe you can be or if you are in a leadership position and would like to help others learn from your experience, let’s schedule a time to talk. Here is my personal schedule. Take a look at yours and let’s spend some time.
