You must do something you’ve never done

It’s scary. I don’t care if you are a Veteran of the Armed Forces, a seasoned Executive or it’s your first big project after starting at a new company. Doing new things, especially when a lot is riding on a successful outcome, is nothing to shrug off.

“If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.”

Many of us have a similar voice inside, that tells us that we are not ready, we are not capable, that we are going to fail or we are going to look like a fool. Familiar?

“There is no way I will be able to do this” the voice says. You need to realize right now… that that voice is the “safe place” talking. The problem is, nothing AMAZING was ever achieved listening to that voice…especially as an adult.

Ever since you were born that voice, along with your parents, have protected you from doing something stupid – like sticking a key in the wall plug, jumping over a railing or eating whatever that was on the ground.  Yuck!

Now that we are grown that voice pops up now and again, especially if we have fallen into a routine. Some among us have learned to turn it down, turn it off or put it to work in a different way. 

How do you use yours? The better question might be, how do you control yours?

I would like to know your journey. I would like to know what it is you want… maybe I can help you achieve it.