Dress how you want to be addressed

Causal Friday has turned into quite a beast. I get it, Mark over at Facebook dresses in a hoodie & t-shirt, now Joe in marketing looks like he’s unemployed. Sound familiar? How you dress is important.

Maybe I was brought up differently (or on another planet… planet business), but when are we going to take pride in our appearance again? No, not YOU dear reader grumbling that YOU look really good… if you try… this ISN’T directed at you.

This wardrobe pandemic is EXACTLY why companies make people dress in stupid uniforms. Think low waged worker who will soon be replaced by robot automation. I don’t really need you to take my order (I don’t eat that processed crap), but I CAN push a button & wait for the warmed up partial meat product to slide down the shoot into a sack without YOU. 

For the rest of you, making a wage that you’re not embarrassed by… clean yourself up. Show that YOU CARE. Purge that closet of all the outdated crap & go out and get yourself an UPGRADE.

“Dress how you want to be addressed”

That’s right, slacks & button down collared shirts for you gentlemen & work appropriate clothes from somewhere other than Forever 21 for the ladies. Guys, I can’t say it enough…YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. Don’t be trendy. Invest in two pairs dress shoes (black & brown) at Johnston & Murphy. You’ll thank me.