Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks

Not everyone’s opinion counts. Yes I am talking to you dear reader. NOT because your opinion is worthless… but rather to get your attention refocused & scream – YOUR OPINION should be the most important opinion…. to YOU!

Worthless on occasion, hot air most often, people in today’s society are not the intellects they think they are. The phrase “Opinions are like Assholes, everyone’s got one… and everyone else’s stinks” is a bit harsh, but this is LinkedIn folks, not Facebook – there’s no children (by age) here. 

“You will never succeed if you care what other thinks.”

Compared to the Americans of 1776, we have become gossip column addicts, tabloid fanboys, fake news conspiracy junkies, and a sound byte believing culture of sheep. Our News Journalists were once Investigators (of Truth), now they might as well be computer generated Artificial Intelligence. (That’s if you don’t get back to in-depth investigative reporting.

It’s time for a re-boot. The only way we are going to help others is to first help ourselves. You know the drill, when the oxygen mask falls from the overhead compartment…

You know ALL the details if something if it’s important… no sorry…. INTERESTING to you. Get INTERESTED AGAIN! You do the research, you look at the facts, you considered the options & you gather the evidence.