Character will give you respect

Let us not forget, yes you in the under 40ish crowd, 3 No matter what your managers told you or you “learned” in your higher learning institutions, YOU are responsible for more than the numbers on the P& L, the staff’s productivity or how many widgets you sell. 

The TRUE leaders are the ones that make a lasting impact on others within their circle of influence, through the VALUE they provide during THEIR career. 

“Knowledge will give you power but character will give you respect.”

America was once the greatest country in the world BECAUSE of our vision, our grit, our determination & the ability of the leaders to turn around & offer a hand to those climbing the ladder with them. As we “industrialized” we got off that path instead searching for wealth & higher profits. The fact remains, we can do BOTH!

We need to get back to the core that made AMERICA the country EVERYONE wanted to go to. We have to expose those in power who step on the necks of the people that are actually the ones doing the work, representing the companies & protecting the brand. BECOME the financially successful “leaders” we see publicized. 

We can build EMPIRES with an ARMY of highly paid, highly educated, highly qualified and highly competent teams around us… (Psst… it makes the teams highly LOYAL as well).