What’s being delivered to our children

In 1969, I was only the beginning of a thought. I did however grow up watching Mr. Rodgers & can even remember some of my favorite episodes & guests. I never thought, neither did my parents, about what’s being delivered to our children through this medium. Television programming, movies, video games & almost all forms of accessible content… is now filled with violence & sexual content. While the content entertains (AKA sells us), I believe it’s also harming us, our children, our families, our communities & our culture long-term.

Watch the May 1st 1969 testimony before the Senate Subcommittee

I don’t consider myself a stodgy old fogie in thinking, actions or demeanor. I do however hold strong beliefs of right & wrong. I believe everyone should be allow to do what they wish, as long as it does not interfere with the rights of another to do the same. It seems to be to much to ask in return.

I follow the principles of Bushido – principles that seem to be in opposition to what currently is being served for mass consumption. Violence, questionable morality, sexual overtones & images, race baiting, “spin” and to much BEING PUSHED on us that has to do with what we used to call an “alternative” lifestyle.

All of this as evident in how our kids act, how “visitors” to our country behave like animals, mass shootings, incarceration numbers, aggression towards Law Enforcement, the drug epidemic & the lies media / politicians cripple us with.
