Change one word, have lasting results

CAN’T means you currently lack the skills to accomplish a task, WON’T means you’ve decided not to accomplish the task, even though you could if you really wanted to.  Here is what thirty years in the Industry has taught me… the best in our profession use the word can’t only when accompanied by a clear indication that they need to improve a skill or enhance experience levels. I’m not talking to them, they understand how this works. It’s the people who only appear to try and constantly use words like can’t when what they really mean is WON’T.  These types of words are used because they are SCARED. The subconscious mind provided the words that give a clear indication that they are covering themselves in the event of failure.  Internally they are looking to justify before staring that failure is not really their fault.  The Industry Leaders take responsibility for their actions rather than making excuses.