Drone Weaponry Near Future Dystopia

Visit: www.AutonomousWeapons.org – Autonomous Weapons of the Future.
At first glance the technology behind this mini drone (Slaughterbot) or the use of synthetic drones of this nature would eliminate collateral death and damage. Autonomous Weapons of the Future. I thought that would be a good thing to the innocent people who are unwittingly in immediate proximity of a High Value Target. Everyone has seen the damage drone strike achieves. As I continued, the speaker then said one thing that made me question what happens when autonomous weapons of the future get into the wrong hands or when our own leaders take initiatives where our country or its citizenry becomes a target because of our own belief system or personal ideology. The presenter says in effect that people don’t take orders and get emotional. Because of this this (assumable this order is given to a US Soldier) disobey orders and allowing the weapons to make the decisions.
Right now, autonomous weapons of the future technology is being replicated somewhere in the world – like all technology that is perceived to have a value. In this presentation the presenter said “enough to kill an entire city… the bad half.” Who exactly makes that decision?
Right now, it is the same as it always has been: He who has the power, makes the decisions.” Who has the power today? Who would have the power tomorrow? Who would or could safeguard the technology from getting into the wrong hands? The answer is no one. The power trip would be short lived to be sure, or as short as the production engineers can automate the manufacturing process and outsource logistics.
The speaker in the video went on to boldly stat that “you can target an evil ideology right where it starts” as he points to his head… insinuating if someone’s thoughts or beliefs are believed to be “different,” the conflict with the narrative or would in the future be perceived to be a treat against the current regime they can now be a target of the bots… for the right price.
For anyone who has watched the video on autonomous weapons of the future can obviously see that this is a parody or in today’s terms Fake News, however it is not truly fake news, nor is it really simply a parody. Because it takes so much for our society to be captivated for more than a few moments or to get us to focus long enough for something to make an impact, this video was developed, quite well I might add, to bring a potential threat to our attention. Hopefully it did.
Might I suggest doing what many already have, including #ElonMusk and #StephenHawking and voice your opinion. Take action. Visit www.autonomousweapons.org today to learn more about autonomous weapons of the future.